Campell River, Vancouver Island Museum Photo Gallery

mcr 971 17 1

mcr 971 17 1
mcr 971 17 1
mcr 971 17 1

The owner traded old clothes for this basket sometime prior to 1915 when she was living on Quadra Island.


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Large, rectangular, slat coiled storage basket with imbricated cherry bark designs. Raised handle loops are located at both ends of the basket.

Technique:  Basket was fabricated using a slat coil technique.  A single round of bundle coil forms the rim of the basket.  Base slats have been secured with Type __ stabilization stitches.  Imbricated zigzag designs elements form two continuous bands around the basket.  These ‘nested’ zigzags have been rendered in polished  red cherry bark.  A single line of beading, also in polished red cherry bark , runs along the bundle coil element that forms the basket’s rim and handles.

Material:  Slats are made from split cedar wood.  Coil stitching is done with split cedar root.  Designs are polished red cherry bark.

Dimensions:  length:  58 cm. (22 ¾ “)  x width 33.5 cm (13 3/16”) at basket rim;  44.5 cm. x 21 cm. at basket base.  Height: 27.7 cm.