Campell River, Vancouver Island Museum Photo Gallery

CDM 972.77

CDM 972.77
CDM 972.77
CDM 972.77
CDM 972.77
Maker: (?)-Nimnim
Motif: Diamond
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Rectangular slat coiled basket with lid.  An imbricated design consisting of one and a half  diamonds sitting one on top of the other, is present on all four faces of the basket body.  The designs are rendered in red, white, and black. The two long sides of the rectangular basket have this 'stacked diamond' pattern repeated twice,  the short side only once. Decoration on the lid consists of two rows of imbrication, red and black alternating with a plain slat between. A 'signature strip' at the base of the basket has wide bands of imbrication flanked by narrow single strand imbrication on either side. A second signature strip around the edge of the lid has two pairs of single strand imbrication flanked by single imbricated strands  (see photos above).  The base of the basket is inset so that the basket is 'footed'.  Both the lid and the basket base have bundle coil buffering the ends of the slats.  This bundle coil is discontinuous, extending only along  the slat ends. The edge of the lid rim is also finished with a single bundle coil. 


Material: cedar wood slats, cedar root, cherry bark (in its polished natural state and dyed black), corn husk


Techniques:  slat coil, bundle coil, imbrication 


Overall dimensions:  28 cm x 17 cm x 17 cm tall